
Oct 27

Scenes from my Week

classy halloween decorPer usual, I’ve bitten off a little more than I can chew at this very time and am struggling to balance the whole work-life thing. I’m working on a few wonderful collaborations, on top of a handful of really exciting design projects, which is incredible, but it’s definitely been all consuming. I am so thankful I truly love what I do, otherwise I would probably have gone nuts by now. My girlfriend once told me that there are five main components of your life, and at any given time you can only do three properly. They’re sleep, taking care of yourself (slash working out), family, friends, and work – and it could not be more true. So here’s to a little less work, and a little more family and friends this coming weekend. As always, here’s a peek at my week. I hope you have a great one!

{Above: sweet signs of halloween in our home}

sources: “boo” banner | art | sideboard 
antique aberfoyle

{antique shopping in Aberfoyle}

birdies slippers

{a quiet moment to myself}

note: you can’t see it all that well, but I’m wearing this top,
and it is the softest, cosiest, working from home
top ever. 
You need it in your life. 

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

{I swear this was the extent of my quiet moments all week :)}

note: this robe is the second cosiest thing in my life.
Obsessed. You can get it here, in case anyone asks

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

{checking up on a master bath reno}

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  1. I just came across your blog and I love it!! Your photos look amazing as well, good job! xx

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